
Altairis Blog

Altairis Blog

Prestashop – Display of the shopping cart in B2B mode without being logged in

Prestashop – Display of the shopping cart in B2B mode without being logged in

In B2B, Prestashop only allow authenticated users to purchase.

While keeping this method, we would like to show the shopping cart even for not logged in visitors, mainly to make it clear that they are on a online shop.

The only solution that I found was to lightly modify the blockcart module. The only downside is that the modification will be lost if you install a new version of the module.

The modification of the code is really simple and consist of not testing if we are in catalogue mode in the hook used to show the shopping cart.

So you have to turn these lines into comment :
if (Configuration::get('PS_CATALOG_MODE'))
In the functions hookHeader and/or hookRightColum of the file modules/blockcart/blockcart.php.

You can see the results on this website